Dienstag, 1. Januar 2013

my best friend :(

I've cleaned up my house all the time
  if one wants to comes to me
a telefon call to me has nobody
Your since the only one
have sent me greetings :) <3 .="." br="br" kisses="kisses">!!!!! statistically !!!!!
take the people at christmastme and new year
most live the self, or die of loneliness !!! I know because I am bookseller !!! boomtime in the purchase of books from deceased !!!
>>> I have abolished the holidays, for me <<<
my 50 birthday! which was like today! nobody think on me, on this day :/
♥ only you ♥ my friends on FB !!! Thank you ♥

I forgot to buy alcohol for 1 drink :) But next year I thinking about it, promised :D ))))
I've cleaned up my house all the time, if one wants to comes to me !!! a telefon call to me has nobody
Your since the only one have sent me greetings :) ♥ kisses

>>> http://x2t.com/177215 .Gif <<<

take the people at christmastme and new year
most live the self, or die of loneliness !!! I know because I am bookseller !!! boomtime in the purchase of books from deceased !!!
>>> I have abolished the holidays, for me <<<
my 50 birthday! which was like today! nobody think on me, on this day :/
♥ only you ♥ my friends on FB !!! Thank you ♥


Hotmail !!!!! ????? : I have over 80 pages !!!! it was every year new year greetings & geburstags greetings from all sides! automatically :/ since my 50th Birthday ...... not a single mail!! ???? not a mail from ALDI Newsletter & ather Newsletter (50 Newsletter) ??? How that go ???? Hotmail is an unsafe Email Address ????  

The Hotmail website is secured by phone !!!!! ????? not even Hotmail = windows = my operating system ( the only one (that I Know) you have access to everything in internett & on my computer ) !!! no greetings !!?? I even know that one of the small speaker makes from time to pipp if something is wrong! manipulate from the outside, so that he can be a mikropfon is ( microphone = speaker = same type!) you have access to everything !!! If I can't trust you! I want to have in my life no computer more !! ...........

 my best friend (girlfriend) has logged at his account from my computer !
and then only worse had with Hotmail! Since that day, she was never again to visit with me !!!! before 1 year (((( Happy New Year .... Hotmail!

Since 1 year I try window7 & window7 ultimate (320 € full version !! and I can soon forget it !! as soon win8) to get on both my computer! managed not once ??? In any fuck old foreign computer I have no problems always !!! When I call: to microsoft I hear, I have to contact my manufacturer in connections !!! ??? bought by Ebay !!!the other one I siemens fujitsu, was an expensive unit ??? ! funny ! ??? why not win7 for me ???? since the attack before over 2 years ................ die die polizei nach augenscheinlicher begutachtung für ein fall für das zevielgericht hielt !!! obwol ich alle schlüssel und alarcodes von einem juweliergeschäft (zum glück gut versteckt ) in meiner wohnung hatte !!! "" zevielgericht """ ich höre lieber auf !!!! da habe ich keine hoffnung zur zeit !!! habe ich auch schon gepostet !!! zweckloß !!! seit dieser zeit verweigere ich die verwaltung der schlüssel !!! und schlafe richtig gut, seit dieser zeit !!! keine verantwortung = keine angst !!!! und ich habe sogar die adressen der angreifer (schon überall gepostet) !! kein geld für ein zewilgericht !!! und keine lust !!! anwälte schauen nur auf geld !!! und nicht auf ihr versprechen mir zu helfen, obwol ich damals immer schon vorab bezahlt habe !! den letzten konnte ich leider nicht mehr bezahlen .... mein freund den ich losgeschickt habe mit werfollen gegenständen, die doppelt ausgereicht hätten ihn zu bezahlen !!! hat das geld einfach nicht bei dem RA abgegeben !!! frohes neues du schloch !!! (((( dies ist eine erneute eingabe !!! ich weiß das sie von den richtigen gelesen wird !!! weiteres auf blogger: für gelangweilte neulinge ))

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